Fr. Arnaud Devillers, Pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish and a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, will be leaving St. Rose this summer to be reassigned as Pastor of Queen of the Holy Rosary in Vienna, Ohio. He will be replaced by Fr. Joseph Portzer, F.S.S.P., on July 1st.
There will be a Farewell Dinner in honor of Fr. Devillers on Sunday, June 23rd. Dinner will begin in our parish hall at 1:00 pm.
This will be a carry-in dinner with meat and potatoes provided by the parish. Sign-up sheets are in the church vestibule. Those who are not able to sign up but will be attending dinner are asked to notify the parish office so that we can be properly prepared.
June 23rd is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi and St. Rose will have a procession of the Blessed Sacrament following our 10:30 am High Mass. The procession will begin around 11:45 am. Weather permitting, it will be an outdoor procession. All are invited to join us!